Check the Orlando Temperatures by month to determine the best time for you to visit the Central Florida area.
When you think of Orlando, you imagine sunny skies with shorts and t-shirt weather. The subtropical climate does keep Central Florida warmer than other parts of the country, especially in the winter months.
Seldom is there more than a 20° variance between the high and low temperatures in any given month. This same variance can usually be found between the high and low on any day.

The hottest months of the year are July and August. These are also the most popular months for tourists at the Orlando attractions.
The coolest months of the year (by Orlando standards) are January and February. This is when Florida sees an influx of retired northerners (Snowbirds).
The following chart lists the average high and low temperatures by month. In addition to the monthly averages, the record high and record low are shown with the date when these occurred. Here in Orlando we are more prone to have days with record highs with temperatures in the summer months exceeding 100°. There have been a few occurrences when we have experienced prolonged freezing temperatures.

As for rainfall in Orlando, the months of June, July, August and September have almost triple the rainfall that you will see during the rest of the year. Average rainfall during those months is around 7.5″. These months also have the highest humidity hovering around 80%. The months October through May, rainfall is closer to 2.5-3.5″ per month.
These rainy months also correspond to Florida Hurricane Season which runs from June 1 to November 30th. In the last few years, the more severe hurricanes have occurred later in the season, September through November.
For daily information, head to The Weather Channel, where you can see daily temperatures as well as sunrise and sunset times.