Casselberry Recreation Center, also known as the Casselberry Senior Center is located at 200 N. Triplet Lake Dr., Casselberry provides an abundance of Senior Programs weekdays at the complex. Call 407-262-7700 x 1575 for more information regarding the senior activity schedule and special events. The facility is located at Secret Lake Park, a picturesque setting with three lakes that surround the center and park. After attending the daily activities in the many designated areas of the center, a stroll around the pathways is an added exercise bonus.
A multitude of indoor and outdoor activities are available at the Casselberry center including Tennis, Tai Chi, Chair Yoga and several levels of Zumba.
For those who prefer group socializing games, you will find days where groups are playing bridge or enjoying a game of bingo.
In addition to the different levels of Tap Dance instruction during the week, the center also offers a Ballroom dancing class on Sunday afternoon for a nominal fee.
- The Casselberry Center participates in the Meals on Wheels Congregate Dining Program, where lunches are provided during the week days to seniors 60 and older. Fill out the online form or call: 407-333-8877 x 118 to participate in the free lunch program.
- AARP sponsors their Safe Driving class every other month. Call 407-262-7700 ext:1575 for dates, times and to schedule an appointment.
- The Casselberry Center offers a wide range of Senior Resources to the community including SHINE, Food Stamps and Meals on Wheels.
The Women’s Club of Casselberry, 251 Overbrook Drive, Casselberry, is a group of dynamic women who gather to socialize, build friendships and give back to our local community. As a member, you’ll be encouraged to volunteer as much as your personal time allows as you enjoy our monthly luncheons and assist in fundraising opportunities.
Luncheons are the 1st Tuesday of each month, 11:30am – 1:00pm, October through June. The cost is $12.00 per member, $15.00 per guest. It includes a catered lunch and special program. Annual dues are $20.00, due May 1st of each year. Call 407-695-0042 for further details.